There is something about BELONGING that is a fundamental human need. All of us need to know that we are a part of something greater than ourselves, to know that we do not have to go through life alone. We believe that "church" isn't just a place to attend, it is a community of belonging.

Zumbro Lutheran Church is a community centered around Jesus. Together we are growing in love, in courage, in community, and in vision. From younger to older, we believe God is building a beloved community here, and ALL are invited to be part of it!

Pastor Rob Zahn

Directing Pastor

Pastor Rob Zahn
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Untitled (2400 × 1600 px)

Interested in Baptism?

As people of faith, we believe that in life and in death, we belong to God. As Christians, we believe that Jesus lived, died, and rose again out of love for the whole world. As Lutherans, we believe that it is in baptism that we are named and claimed as part of God’s family. God looks at us and proclaims, “Yes. You are mine.” Jesus opens his arms wide and says, “Come to me. I love you just as you are.” The Spirit rests on us and breathes, “I will be your guide.” When these sacred promises join with the water of life, it is a holy moment. This is a holy moment. The forgiveness, wholeness, and eternal life we receive in baptism can never be taken away.


New to Zumbro?

  • People of all backgrounds, ages, and faith traditions make up Zumbro Lutheran, including many from the Mayo Clinic and the neighborhoods of Rochester and beyond. 
  • On Sundays, parking is available in the church lots, also across Sixth St. SW, and the lot to the north of the Sinclair Gas Station.
  • Children are always welcome in worship at Zumbro, but if you would prefer to use our nursery it is down the stairs to the right as you come through the main entrance. 
  • Our facility is fully accessible and there is a Hearing Loop in the Sanctuary and Fireside Room