the EDGE 12|1 (Grades 6th-9th) (A.K.A. Confirmation)
the EDGE 12|1 is the middle school/confirmation ministry of Zumbro Lutheran Church. It is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:20-7:45pm beginning Wed., Sept. 11, 2024, for everyone grades 6-9 during the school year (Sept.-May). Every Wednesday we start in the Youth Room with music, pizza, games, lessons, small group conversations, and whatever fun things the Spirit brings our way. You do not need to be a member to participate…this is for everyone! (PS…registration is $100. However, if you can’t afford that, let Pastor Rob know and we will waive the fee…no questions asked.)

We recommend three things if your hope is to become connected:
- Worship: Come as you are and worship with us on Sundays or Wednesdays! Wear your jeans or sweats or fancy clothes-whatever you’re comfortable in! Ask questions! Bring friends! Sing along! Your whole self is invited to join us around the table and experience God’s grace and love with us!
- Connect: We don’t walk the journey of faith alone. Sign up for the weekly youth ministry newsletter. Introduce yourself to Jen. Sign up for an event or small group or mission experience. We can’t wait to get to know our teenagers and connect them with them to their peers, our community and caring adults whom will journey aside them.
- Serve: We’re called to love God and love our neighbors near and far. Sign up for one of our youth mission experiences or trips.