By Apartment 5: Lily Schwartz, Avery Lichty, Natalie Drake, Maya Nordine, Will Kipp, Ethan Koepsell, Ethan Post, Max Parney, Lucas Cramer, Jen Gruendler, Janette Davis, and Lisa Kipp.
Hola! Today was our last day volunteering at the church. The bible story today was Jesus calms the storm. For this, we helped kids make a storm in a bottle filled with glitter and blue dye. Although chaos ensued, we persevered and ended the day giving the kids a pizza treat. Afterwards, we took a small siesta and then set off for the beach. On our journey to the beach, Don Jesus van ran out of gas on top of the hill! OH NO! We sprinted out and were left in a parking lot! Thanks to our host Nic, we made it to the beach eventually. After swimming and relaxing for a while, we enjoyed a scrumptious dinner at Nic’s taco restaurant. So yummy! Fish taco es muy bueno! We then headed back to watch the sunset at the beach. After the beach, we all crammed into the van and made our way back to the Refuge. Once we got back, we all freshened up and then we met downstairs around the pool and talked about our day. Now we are preparing to hit the hay! We have a fun few days ahead of us with some of us diving and the others visiting dolphins! We are also excited to do some souvenir shopping and enjoy our last few days on the island. It is going to be very difficult to leave because we are all having so much fun!!!